Family Law

Gunding & Hans LLP in Milton, Ontario provides strong and compassionate representation in most areas of family law.

We understand that there are times when finding an amicable solution may be in the best interest of all parties. We can help you negotiate a separation or settlement agreement or resolve an uncontested divorce in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Milton Family LawyerWe recognize and respect your need for information, practical advice and understanding. We are dedicated to working with, and for, you and to keeping you informed throughout the process. Our primary goal is to help you resolve your case as quickly as possible so that you can move on with your life. We know from experience that divorce and other family law issues can have a significant financial and emotional impact on families. We strive to limit those impacts as much as possible.

Our lawyers handle family law matters related to:

  • Divorce
  • Separation agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Marriage contracts

We take the time to understand each client’s needs be they emotional, financial, or legal.


We understand that divorce can trigger a wide range of emotions in most people. Rarely is a party immune to the fallout that comes from the decision to separate. One of the main roles of an effective lawyer is to help guide his or her client through the separation process in such a way as to leave the client with his or her sanity and dignity in tact.

Spousal Support

In many cases, establishing the appropriate level of spousal support requires the assistance of an experienced lawyer who understands what factors are relevant, and what are not, as well as what legal doctrines apply.

Contact us today for help with your family law case.